Using Softlens

Posted by admin Wednesday, January 26, 2011

 Using Softlens
Women Health And Care - Many people experience vision problems, for near and far. Some wear glasses or softlens to overcome the shortage. If used properly, contact lenses must be very profitable, especially for those who suffered minor vision problems. By using contact lenses, you can see almost as clearly with the normal eye without the need to use a glass eye which often creates an uncomfortable feeling in the nose or around the ear.

How to use Softlens Tips

The first time wearing contact lenses, you may be feeling a little anxious, but then you’ll feel comfortable. First of all, make sure you’ve washed your hands thoroughly before handling lenses. Then drain first hand with a clean towel. The best way to enter the lens is to pick it up from the place of lens and placing it on the tip of your index finger.
Next, pull down the lower eye lid with the middle finger the same hand. Pull up the upper eyelid with the index finger of other hand and then look up. Place the lens on the bottom of the white eyes and lift your hands. Look down and close your eyes, the lens will find the correct position. Do the same on the other eye. With a little practice, you will be adept at quickly insert your lenses without significant problems.
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Tips Choose Softlens

   1. Be sure to visit the glass expert eye (optician), at least once a year to ensure that you get the right prescription for your vision problems. This also serves to turn off if you wear lenses do not cause any problems.
   2. Pick a qualified optician and make sure you follow their advice relating to the selection of appropriate lenses for your eyes.
   3. You should avoid the use of contact lenses while sleeping.
   4. Do not ever interest in changing the lens with other users. You are not necessarily the same recipes with them.
   5. If your contact lens irritation, immediately remove and consult your doctor for further advice.
   6. Do not forget to wear softlens only until the deadline.

How to Use Safely Softlens Tips

Softlens are preferred because they can increase self confidence, because it can cover the shortage. It also should not be afraid to put his glasses broken or forgotten. For this reason, it is safe to use softlens tips:

    * Choose softlens that have the water level more than 50 percent. This means that the transfer of oxygen to the cornea nicer.
    * Clean regularly using a special cleaning fluid softlens and store them in a special place softlens.
    * Unplug softlens during sleep. This is to avoid dryness of the cornea resulting from the use softlens too long.
    * Do not rub your eyes or rubbed his eyes while wearing softlens. Habits rubbed his eyes would cause injury to the cornea.
    * Swimming is not recommended to use softlens.

Source : healthywomens


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